Our Movement

If you’re visiting this page, our hope is that you are interested in knowing more about us and want to become part of this amazing movement that is changing the way we “live Christ” and shaping the way we interact with our world.

Live Beyond Words, Inc. was born out of the desire to see Christians in America truly embrace what it means to live like Christ within the context of our modern day. We’re not just another organization; we’re a movement founded upon God and inspired by the book of James, which urges us to give our faith…feet.

We empower and encourage others to put faith in action in personal, real, and tangible ways through orphan care and outreach projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Our vision is to connect people in first-world and third-world countries; those who have much with those who have nothing; children in privileged America with children an ocean away; and people who have passion and great ideas with others who are desperate for them. We embrace diversity, give hope to the hopeless, and live love.

We seek to ignite a fire within each individual to live out their faith in bold, radical ways and we hope that this inspires others to know Christ, and for those who already know Him, to go deeper.

We know that we, in our own strength, have no power to change the world, but we believe that through prayers, support, and willing hearts, God can use us to do big things for His glory.


We are faith in action and we would love for you to join the movement.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. (James 1:27 ESV)