Meet Delphin
Three years ago, I (Nicole) saw a picture of a boy at our partner orphanage in the DRC who looked very sad and had a large protruding eye. They shared his story how he was found on the street because he was being beaten by his stepdad and thrown out of the home. God seared his name on my heart and told me I was to share with him about God’s love and that he was seen.
We built a relationship with the help of our partners in country. We have been sending a doctor to help him with his physical needs and loving on him. We came alongside of Delphin’s family and help with needs that they have.
I was able to share the Gospel with him and he gave his life to Christ over FaceTime. He has been growing in the Lord since then. The family has now started to go church. This past November, I got to meet Delphin and his family. A beautiful answer to prayer!
With your help, we were able to raise the needed funds to get Delphin to a surgeon in Cape Town, South Africa for the surgery that he needed to help take out some of the tumor and try to repair his eye. By God’s grace his surgery went very well and he is now back home in DRC recovering with his family.
Although he has this big step behind him, Delphin will still need ongoing medical care as he recovers from the surgery and will need some continued medical support in DRC to maintain his health. If you feel lead to help Delphin please consider donating specifically to his cause by using the donate link above.
We would love for you to partner with us in any way that you can.
Thank you!